Fleet Management
The use of technology
Brings about better overall performance of your fleet
A vehicle tracking unit from tracker is the most effective way to protect your vehicle from thieves and it can even reduce your insurance premiums saving money!. TRACKER has 12 years experience and is the only provider offering vehicle tracking systems that are supported worldwide to find and recover vehicles fast. Our team will offer you that.
By monitoring and controlling fuel usage, Vian Group assists businesses in making informed decisions, reducing waste, and ultimately achieving cost savings while maintaining the efficiency of their vehicle fleet.
This allows businesses to take immediate action, make informed decisions, and enhance safety, security, and overall fleet performance. These alerts are tailored to each client’s specific needs and are a valuable asset in the successful management of a vehicle fleet.
routing monitoring and driving monitoring are integral to optimizing fleet operations. They promote efficiency, safety, and cost-effectiveness by ensuring that vehicles follow the best routes and that drivers adopt responsible and fuel-efficient driving practices.
It can be a fun and engaging way to challenge individuals and teams, improve navigational skills, and foster a spirit of adventure and camaraderie in an outdoor setting. They are commonly organized as events or as part of team-building exercises in various organizations and outdoor clubs.
offers the convenience of remote fleet monitoring, real-time decision-making, and data-driven insights in the palm of your hand. This tool helps businesses optimize their fleet operations, reduce costs, enhance safety, and improve overall efficiency.
By providing fleet managers with the ability to remotely shut down the engine in specific situations, it adds an extra layer of control and protection to the management of a fleet.